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Home / Belles & Whistles / Dixie Belle transfer Nautical Life

Dixie Belle transfer Nautical Life

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Sail away and “seas” the day with this nautical set. From shipwrecks to sirens, this set gives your projects a touch of nautical life.

Belles and Whistles line of rub on transfers are the best furniture transfers on the market. Rub on Furniture Transfers are perfect for crafts, rub on furniture transfers are great on furniture and any type of wood, fabric, glass, metal and more. Furniture transfers will take your DIY makeovers to the next level. Complete your project by burnishing your transfer with the Dixie Belle Finishing Pad.
The Transfer is 24 x 28 inches divided into 4 sheets for easy application.

*Allow paint to dry for 24 hours before applying transfer*

How to use Transfers