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Home / Soy Candles / Pyrrhuloxia Candle

Pyrrhuloxia Candle

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Scent Notes: Bourbon | Cedarwood | Vanilla



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Feels Like: You shove your Arizona state sweatshirt in your duffel bag and grab your other luggage from the bed of the pickup. You remember your Grandfather's ranch seeming so much farther out of town. The time you've spent apart has grown longer with each semester. You remember sitting sit on the riverbank watching the Pyrrhuloxia chittering about - now the condos are up against the fence line. You know next year Grandpa might not be here and you'll miss that Bourbon that's become so familiar. Hopefully you'll still see the birds.

Since 1994 the Malpai's borderland group have worked to steward and protect 78,000 acres of land in New Mexico and Southern Arizona. Their group protects against urbanization and habitat destruction.

Scent Notes: Bourbon | Cedarwood | Vanilla

Elements: 100% All-Natural Soy Wax, Essential Oil, 100% Natural Skin-Safe Ultra-Premium Pigment, All-Natural Wooden X Wick